School of mathematical and logical skills
School of mathematical and logical skills
Web platform Superclever boy Superclever girl


How to become a franchiser of the international math-logic school SUPERCLEVER?

A franchise is a business model in which the owner of the franchise (Franchisor) grants the right to an individual or company (Franchisee) to use their name, products or services in exchange for a fee. This model enables business expansion with reduced risk, while at the same time providing support and resources for the successful development of the franchise business.

You need to contact us at the phone number at the bottom or through the form also displayed on this page.

That is not a problem. Our system is very clearly planned down to the smallest detail. This minimizes mistakes.

Support for starting a business
Supporting entrepreneurs and small businesses is essential for economic growth and innovation
Support for starting a business
Supporting entrepreneurs and small businesses is essential for economic growth and innovation.
Marketing support
Marketing support is crucial for businesses looking to grow and attract a wider audience. Here's how you might structure and offer marketing support services on your website:
Marketing support
Marketing support is crucial for businesses looking to grow and attract a wider audience. Here's how you might structure and offer marketing support services on your website:
Continuous improvement
Continuous improvement is a vital concept for businesses seeking ongoing success and growth.
Continuous improvement
Continuous improvement is a vital concept for businesses seeking ongoing success and growth.
Above-average earnings
Supporting entrepreneurs and small businesses is essential for economic growth and innovation
Above-average earnings
Supporting entrepreneurs and small businesses is essential for economic growth and innovation.
Popularity and strong comunity

Our schools enroll an average of 50 students. We are one of the most popular franchises on the market. Thousands of satisfied parents and children recommend this program.

Popularity and strong comunity
Innovative learning approach

The founders of SUPERCLEVER are doctoral students in the field of innovation in education. The school adapts to the individual needs and learning pace of each student.

Innovative learning approach
Continuous support

Our franchisors successfully overcome all obstacles. All our lessons are prepared and ready to use. SUPERCLEVER provides comprehensive marketing support, including promotional materials, online advertising, and assistance with local marketing.

Continuous support
Location flexibility

SUPERCLEVER franchises can be opened in various locations, including school centers, shopping malls, and private spaces.

Location flexibility
Low initial fee

For starting a SUPERCLEVER franchise, prior experience in education or business ownership is not required, which makes it easier for potential franchisors to enter the business.

Low initial fee
Strong marketing support

SUPERCLEVER provides comprehensive marketing support, including promotional materials, online advertising, and assistance with local marketing.

Strong marketing support


Become a builder of genius minds – With the SUPERKNOWN license!

Welcome to our new offering!

Now, in addition to our traditional franchise models, we are proud to introduce the opportunity to acquire licenses for our program. Schools, preschools, and educational institutions now have the opportunity to become part of our family and utilize our proven program and resources under their own brand. Our licenses provide access to high-quality teaching materials, expertly designed curricula, and the support of our team of professionals.

Why choose our license?

Our programs, meticulously crafted by Ph.D. holders, are the result of years of experience, grounded in the latest insights from the field of education, and tailored to the needs of today’s teachers and students. Through our license, we not only provide materials but also support in program implementation and ongoing education.

Want to know more?

Open the doors to new possibilities for your educational institution with our licenses. Contact us today to learn more about how to become part of our partner network.